
Girma Hiruy

a Freelancer

a Developer

a Coder

Hi I'm .

About me!

I am creative,passionate, humble and humility in my working position which I take priority in my job.I am also a creative problem solver, able to quickly identify and fix issues that arise during development.I am inspiring and dynamic Web Developer with a keen focus and experience in web application development and coding, with a strong work ethic and innate ability to adapt in ever-changing and challenging environments. Knowldge and experience in comprehensive problem solving, creative troubleshooting, and complex project management. Accomplished with effective collaboration skills, team building capabilities and leadership in diverse and multifaceted operations.

Web Development

I am a reliable and dependable web developer who is always willing to go the extra mile to meet my clients' needs.


I'm passionate about creating efficient and effective code that solves problems.I'm always excited to explore new technologies and find creative ways to use them to develop new solutions.


I like to learn new things and I have the ability to collaborate with others on coding projects, which helps me learn strategies to write better code.


Always reliable to complete any given project on time.



Download CV


My Works

Apple replica website built
from scratch using React

Live Site GitHub Link
Amazon replica website built
from scratch using React

Live Site GitHub Link
Netflix replica website built
from scratch using React

Live Site GitHub Link
DER restaurant website built
from scratch using .Net Cor

GitHub Link
Kebena Community website built
from scratch using Bootstrap

Live Site
Apple replica website built
from scratch using Bootstrap

Live Site GitHub Link


  • +1 (206) 643-8367

  • Girmahr16@gmail.com

  • Seattle,WA 98178